4/5 Pulsating Worlds
***WARNING: This review contains spoilers! Proceed at your own peril.***
Give me the short version:
The epic birth of a paranormal agent
I was lucky enough to get my hands on a pre-release copy of this, which was nice as I was all set to buy it anyhow (and, dear reader, I did; because the easiest thing you can do to support writers is to buy their book). I'll be chuffed to see more of Audrey Darrow in future.
Bleed Away the Sky follows her journey from damaged social outcast to embracing her ancient heritage and ultimately becoming a magic badass; which is all any of us wants, really.
First up, Bleed Away the Sky was extraordinarily rich in mythos and I'm calling it a must-have for Clive Barker fans. Lavish in world building while at the same time no-nonsense in getting down to business.
The Ovessa and its followers were a particular drawcard. They came embedded in a rich culture all of their own which believably informed their actions and made for fascinating immersive antagonists.
Being a rapid pace cinematic type of adventure, I did find Bleed Away the Sky to be a tad light on the languorous navel-gazing I love best when picking up horror, and a bit too neat toward the end. Do not be put off: many readers would put that in the plus column!
Favourite bit:
"There, in the ceiling, where reality was ripping itself apart, the cold light was brightest. There, flesh heaved and undulated, slick with pus. Coiled muscle, pink and hairless, prepared to bend. Only part of that other real was visible through the portal, only part of a sky made of viscera."